Fact or fiction? Common misconceptions about solar batteries
Fact or fiction? Common misconceptions about solar batteries
So, you are part of the rooftop revolution using solar panels to generate your own energy. What now? Give your system a boost by adding a solar battery storage system.
Solar batteries store the energy you generate for a (literal) rainy day or to send back to the electricity grid for a profit. In other words, a battery uses the solar power you’re generating before you lose it.
You may have a few reservations, but don’t get caught up in rampant rumours about battery power. We are here to debunk the top three myths floating around.
Myth #1: Battery power is dangerous
Fact or fiction? Fiction! There are potential risks, but they are no different to the electrical hazards already present from other household items – just like that car with a tank full of petrol in your garage.
You won’t need to adopt any crazy new safety precautions to accommodate a solar battery system. Battery storage is perfectly safe when used and cared for correctly.
Myth #2: $0 electricity bills don’t exist
Fact or fiction? Fiction! You can technically get your electricity bill down to nothing using solar power.
To do so, you’ll need to power your household while the sun is shining and produce extra solar energy that can be used at night, on cloudy days or sold back to the grid. It’ll also be easier to minimise your bill if you’re using more power-hungry appliances like a washing machine or pool pump during the day.
Reposit customers enjoy the added benefit of GridCredits®, a ‘currency’ you can accrue in exchange for selling your stored solar energy back to the grid. Each GridCredit is worth $1, which can be used towards your electricity bill. You can find a more detailed explanation here.
Myth #3: Batteries are extremely expensive to install
Fact or fiction? Fiction! When solar panels first hit the market as a new technology, they were understandably more expensive. These days, as more and more Aussies incorporate solar power into their households, prices have dropped.
Depending on your system and location, your solar panel system can pay for itself within six to 15 years. You could start seeing a return on your investment as early as two years after installation thanks to state and federal tax credits and incentives.
Upfront, you can be subsidised about $630 per kWh installed, or about $3,150 off the price of a typical 5kWh system. Installing a residential solar system also generates Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs), depending on big your system is and how much sun your corner of the country gets. These can be used to offset the upfront cost of your system when you or your installer sell your STCs.
Solar panels also increase the resale value of your home, so even if you plan to move within fifteen years you can still see a significant return on your investment when you sell. So, while the upfront costs may make you feel a little queasy, long-term your system is effectively paying itself off.